It has obviously been a busy first six months of 2022 for the maintenance staff at Knysna with a newish greenkeeper in situ. Much has been done to enhance the aesthetics of the playing experience. Low hanging branches of trees have been pruned back to create views through to other holes, giving the course more of a parkland feel. Standing on the first tee I noticed the ninth fairway was now visible, having been previously hidden by bush. The greens were hollow-tined in May for the first time in years (coring removes thatch and detritus that builds up below the surface, and improves soil structure) and have recovered magnificently. What I find special about Knysna are the tidal waters flowing in from the adjacent lagoon which not only create attractively clean (home to water birds and marine life) and effective hazards on several holes but add to the natural beauty of the course. Stroke 1, the 371m sixth, would be plain without the water guarding both sides of the fairway. And many a tee shot has found a watery grave at the challenging 175m 12th.