GOOD: Greens in great nick except 17, a par 3 peppered with pitch marks. It didn’t roll as well as the rest. Tees near perfect and fairways really good for winter. I liked the warm-up facility, ample parking, GPS distances displayed accurately on cart. BAD: I asked for a plaster as my finger was bleeding. No one had access to the first aid kit so couldn’t help me. Terrible boerewors roll at halfway house. The wors was half the size of the bun and it was expensive. Our cart died after 11 holes. They supplied a replacement but now we were behind pace of play and pressured to catch up with the fourball in front. The bunkers had different textures and were inconsistent. VERDICT: I would still recommend the course as one to play. I enjoy the wide fairways, the many tee options and big greens.